Increasing Your Visibility - 17th October 2024


This October my guest speaker will be Lucy Blake, a partner in the London office of Jenner & Block. Lucy sits in Jenner’s Investigations, Compliance and Defense practice.  She helps clients investigate, respond to, recover from, and prevent all manner of wrongdoing.  This includes bribery and other forms of white-collar crime, toxic workplace cultures, and ESG risks such as human rights and supply chain abuses. Lucy serves as a Co-Chair of the firm’s Human Rights and Global Strategy Practice. She joined Jenner as a counsel in May 2021 and became a partner at the start of this year.

Our topic this month will centre around the topic of ‘Increasing your Visibility’ and I am delighted that Lucy will lead our discussion. Becoming a partner at a US law firm is no mean feat, but to do it when you work from a satellite office brings added complexities. Progressing in your career needs hard work, commitment and a good dose of support from colleagues, partners and decision-makers. If you are not in the same office geographically as the key decision makers you have to work differently to make that impact, to make yourself ‘seen’, to make your presence ‘felt’. Lucy is going to share some anecdotes that have worked for her, whilst also juggling a young family.

The virtual event will take place at 9.30am on 17th October 2024.

If you would like to join this virtual session, please email me at  Feel free to extend the invitation to a female colleague or friend who might be interested in joining our Female Counsel group.



NDR is a leading recruiter of London’s partner-level female lawyers. If you would like advice on making the most of your business plan get in touch. I can talk you through it.


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